Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Since when is networking anti-social?

Bloody tautologies.
I'm in a critical mood this morning because I was sleep deprived last night, but I've never liked tautologies. There were some other things I was going to complain about, but I thought I'd have a go at tautologies instead. I might have a go at repetition too one day.
Do you think tautologies are evidence of ignorance in the subject matter, as well as linguistically? I suggest they might be: as in "abseil down". Alternatively, they're just bullshitting, as in "social networking".
Take this blog entry as an example. Now I'm not encouraging you to join the mass-debators over at the Telegraph. I've nothing to say about the entry really. You can judge for yourself what news value this brings a newspaper (is this the web equivalent of abandoning the broadsheet?), what value it brings a blogger to be associated with the newspaper, and whether the article itself has any substance.

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