Thursday, January 19, 2006

If music be the food of gov

If you were able to endure my project management take on Elvis, I'm sure you'll enjoy this musical satire from the Capitol Steps site. It has a very U.S. focus as you'd expect from the title, but I'm sure you'll enjoy listening to On the Sunni side of Tikrit among others.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hello, world

This is funnier if you work in a web development agency:

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Welcome back

Evening all. Apologies for the absence.
I've had nothing to contribute so, unlike certain Polly Filla or Phil Space blogs, haven't said anything.
Had a good holiday? The highlight of mine was popping out for a suburban lunch with the missus and friend, when we saw Paul Young.
- I didn't know he lived around here, said our friend.
- It's wherever he lays his hat, I responded.
That was my best joke of the holiday period. A Christmas Cracker, some might say.