Thursday, January 06, 2005


This is the story of generosity for today. Beslan, whose school was besieged last year, has donated thousands of dollars to the relief effort for the south-east Asian tsunami. A widow's mite if ever there were.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

So 2004

Since everyone else seems to have had a retrospective moment, allow me to indulge. While 2004 was undoubtedly the year of Dubya and the chav -- could they by any chance be related? -- it was also the year of the blog; and not just this one. Thousands of blogs were created and consumed through RSS feeds and aggregators and other nonsense.
Since I am always at the forefront of fashion -- particularly technological -- this leaves me in something of a quandary. Blogging, with all its linking to singular sites, uninformed political comment and Phil Space anecdote is like so last year. What should 2005 hold for an erstwhile martial arts doppelganger?