Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How to replace your PDA

I have for some time been considering a replacement for my three-year-old and now less than reliable PDA. This would, you may assume, be a relatively straigtforward task for someone who advises companies on technology selection. But the lure of market-leading products just around the corner is great, particularly when it comes to always on, available from anywhere internet access.
I had previously allowed myself to be seduced by the iMate Jasjar's monster feature set: wi-fi and 3G bundled with a QWERTY keyboard and VGA screen; no other phone can compete. But it weighs deeply on the pocket both physically and figuratively. May as well buy a laptop.
I was going to comment at some length about the benefits of Wi-Fi vs. 3G vs. GPRS, until I saw this: the ultimate in PIM for today's disposable culture (Flash required).

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