Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What blogs are for...

Joachim du Bellay, French Renaissance poet, was celebrated for his self-consoling verse, particularly Les Regrets:

Je me plains à mes vers, si j'ay quelque regret,
Je me ris avec eulx, je leur dy mon secret,
Comme estans de mon coeur les plus seurs secretaires.
He used his poetry as keeper of his innermost secrets, then published it to his literate public.
And so it is with blogs, as we relate what secret cause we have for joy or sorrow to anyone who would read them. Such moments particularly materialize after company meetings that refer to restructuring and diminishing roles. I wait -- with not too baited breath but a very healthy dose of cynicism -- for the outcome of this all, which I will divulge to my own keepers of secrets before long.

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