Sunday, November 28, 2004

Behind in my blogging

My recent reticence has not been entirely on purpose, or through lack of things to pontificate over. It is due to a number of factors:

  1. I've been really busy at work, preparing presentations in addition to my normal job and trying to get a contract out of the HR dude.
  2. I've been really busy outside work, Christmas shopping mostly.
  3. I've had a lot on my plate with hospital visits; though results have turned out to be very good, it was touch and go for the last few months.
  4. My bloody PDA has broken down again. It may fix itself (has done so before) but I expect I'm going to need a new one.It will need the following:
    1. PIM (address book, calendar, memos, expenses)
    2. a decent OS, onto which I can load applications like AvantGo (or some other Plucker) and Vindigo;
    3. an application that allows me to edit Word and Excel files on the PDA itself, and ideally Powerpoint too;
    4. preferably Wi-Fi with a web browser;
    5. a flash memory card from which I can play MP3s;
    6. some kind of password manager.
Any ideas? Comment them down here...

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