Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Something of the knight about him

As we continue to endure the fiasco at the Football Association, we see the Mail call for Sven's head, the Guardian want Geoff Thompson out, and many others want to see the back of David Davies. All right, so the whole thing is a public relations cock-up, but what do we expect from the FA?
Yet one person is emerging to head the newly streamlined FA: the erstwhile boss of Sport England, Sir Trevor Brooking. I'm not sure whose job he wants: Chief Executive (Palios), Chairman (Thompson), Executive Director (Davies) or Manager (Eriksson); probably a combination of all the executive posts. And I think he'll get it. He has loads of media connections and is universally approved of, from the right wing hard arses to the liberal beatniks to the red tops. No one seems to know why however.

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