Thursday, March 02, 2006

(Data)Base values

Is the government simply pandering to a populist agenda or has it completely lost the plot when it comes to databases? The latest wheeze is to get a list of anyone who has failed a Criminal Record Bureau check that debars them from working with children and (although the BBC seems to think it's designed for schools) allow any Tom, Dick or Rebekkah Wade jump to their own conclusions about which paedophile's house to attack first.
I really can't fathom this. Currently any person registering as a childminder has to pass a CRB check; they can't be listed as a childminder without going through this process, so all a parent has to do is ask for proof of registration. No school or private nursery can employee someone without having passed a CRB check. So what possible benefit does a database that anyone can access offer any of the vulnerable groups this legislation is supposedly safeguarding? It's just going to lead to abuse (by newspapers I expect) and errors.
The only consolation -- if you can call it that -- is that judging by some of the other registration schemes the government has tried to build over the last few years, they'll never get round to implementing this one. There's a high price to pay for necessary ineffectualness.

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